Chocolate Cupcakes

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When I saw Anncoo's post on 'A must try chocolate cupcake', I KIV and only got to try it out recently. I totally agree with her that these cupcakes were good, moist, soft and tasted much better, chilled.  I only reduced the sugar to 180 gm because I much prefer to have a slight  bitter taste of the chocolate and Nescafe.   This recipe is a keeper for sure.  Thanks Ann!
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Steamed Ginger Chicken

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A quick and simple to cook country-style dish ~ Steamed Ginger Chicken, made more easy with prepared ginger paste bought from the wet market in Kg. Simee.

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Cream Corn Muffins

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Made these Cream Corn muffins as I was eager to try out  the Aussie Demerara sugar as a topping.
The full-bodied toffee and subtle butterscotch aroma of this sugar really helps to create a more flavourful and aromatic muffin.  Add this sugar into your cofee .....Quote 'makes the pleasure of sharing intimate coffee moments even better' Unquote from CSR Demerara sugar.

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Mushroom Pork Ribs Noodles

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This is another simple one-dish meal ........ 'Mushroom pork ribs noodles' aka 'Tung Koo Pye Kuat Meen', wholesome and tasty.

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Curry Chicken Buns

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Instead of cracking my head over what to cook for dinner,  I made these ........'Curry Chicken Buns', spicy, meaty and chewy!  I managed to get 10 buns and there were some left over for lunch the next day too. This is really killing two birds with one stone!

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Ichiban boshi, Singapore

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We were in Singapore the last weekend for a short visit and had dinner @ this Japanese restaurant ...... 'Ichiban boshi', which was within walking distance from the hotel where we were staying.  I was rather impressed with the service as the young waitresses and waiters who served us were very polite and patient with our orders! 
We were lucky that we left Singapore on Tuesday otherwise we would be stranded when the floods inundated certain parts of the city state!
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Arrowroot ~ 'Fun Kot' soup

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Arrowroot comes from the root of a large, leafy plant that is native to Central and South America and the Caribbean.  It is also found in other tropical regions such as South East Asia, South Africa, Australia and Florida.
Although bland in taste, Arrowroot contains calcium and carbohydrates and other nutrients, primarily used for its soothing benefit and its effect in dealing with diarrhoea.  It is also used in the kitchen to thicken soups, sauces or as an ingredient in some recipes for biscuits.  Vegetarians use it instead of eggs in bread and desserts.
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Apple Slice

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Attempted this  'Apple Slice' with some green apples that had been sitting in the fridge, nearly half forgotten!
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Pan-fried Teriyaki Chicken

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This is a simple and easy to whip up dish, requiring the barest of ingredients and minimum effort  ........ 'Pan-fried Teriyaki Chicken'.

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Steamed Fish fillet with Rice vermicelli

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When I saw Anncoo's  post on 'Steamed prawns with vermicelli' some time ago,  I told myself that I must make something like this.  So, I tweaked it a bit and managed to come up with this  ....... 'Steamed Fish fillet with Rice Vermicelli'.
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Meat Floss Roll

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Bread again!   I tried making this roll with meat floss, savoury for a change and it was yummy.

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Ginseng Six-Flavour Soup

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This ginseng soup is traditionally used to improve digestive functions, increase vitality and reduce dampness in our body.  It can be cooked sweet with rock sugar and served as a dessert or cooling drink, or add in some meat to make it savoury, as a soup.
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