Durian Cake ~ Malaysian Monday No. 5

Durian, the King of Fruits in Malaysia is in season now.  This thorny fruit may be fragrant to some but offensive and overpowering to others.  While some may describe the fruit as 'smells like hell but tastes like heaven'!  The long lingering  odour has led to the fruit being banned from hotels and public transportation in South East Asia.  The pulp comes in shades of yellow and white with a subtle flavour, succulent and creamy and if you can stand the smell it's delectable and sweet.
Durians are not plucked but allowed to fall and that's the best time for eating.  As they're highly nutritious, it's not advisable to consume this fruit in excess.  Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure are traditionally advised not to consume durian.  The seeds are believed to posess a toxic property that causes shortness of breath.  Also it is generally advised not to have alcohol after consuming durians.
Durians are believed to be heaty and one way to counteract this warm or heaty effect is to pour water into the empty shell of the fruit after the pulp  has been eaten, you can add in a pinch of salt, then drink the water.  Sounds like a grandmother's story, but it works.  Another way is to eat  'mangosteens' which is supposed to have a cooling effect.

Read on for the Recipe

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