Soymilk Jelly ~ 'Malaysian Monday no. 9'

Made this dessert to cool off in this cranky weather of hot, humid afternoons and evening showers ....... Soymilk Jelly with Rambutans stuffed with Pineapples!
The Rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum is  a fruit native to Malaysia and other South East Asian countries.
The word 'Rambutan' is derived from the Malay word 'Rambut' which means 'hair' and this refers to the spiky hair that covers the fruit.  These hairs are soft and harmless to touch.  The exterior of the Rambutan can be orange, deep red or even yellow in colour.  The whitish, juicy, sweet fruit can be released from the rind upon twisting it until it pops out.  There's a large seed in the middle and this must be discarded as it's poisonous.  Without the soft hairs on the rind, the rambutan resembles the lychee, which is in the same botanical family.  Read more about the Rambutan and other tropical fruits from this   'site'

Read on for the Recipe

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