Teriyaki chicken noodle

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Teriyaki chicken noodle is another all-in-one comfort meal which I served for dinner recently.  I'm always game for an easy and quick meal.  Simple, yet wholesome.........
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Brunch at Fu Tien Vegetarian

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Recently, we had brunch at a vegetarian shop in Medan Ipoh Bistari ~ Fu Tien vegetarian.  I find that the menu is slightly different from the norm as they have sushi, bento and other a-la-carte dishes that sound interesting.  I ordered some sushi as I've never tasted vegetarian ones before.
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Taro~Yam bundt cake

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T aro~Yam  is a versatile vegetable which has various derivative products after process.  It can be roasted, fried, grilled, boiled and here I'm presenting a bundt cake made with steamed and smashed yam.  Yes, I love yam served in any form and this tuber root is grown in semi-tropical and tropical climates all over the world.  Taro is high in dietary fibre, rich in vitamins E and B6, also an excellent source of potassium, some calcium, magnesium, manganese and copper.  This tuber is inedible raw and must be cooked through to leach out the calcium oxalate which is toxic.  In addition, because of its low caloric content, this makes it an ideal food for those who are conscious of their  waistline!

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Braised pork belly

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This is a very simple porky dish.  I just braised it with some spice, garlic, soya sauces and it turned out quite tasty.  Should have added in some hard boiled eggs but forgotten all about it after I left it to simmer and attended to other chores.  Nonetheless, it was well received when it was served for dinner.
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Apple curry chicken

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I overheard two ladies chatting at my usual market place and one of them said she recently made curry chicken with red apple and it was just delicious,  The other lady looked at her in awe and so did I.  I only heard that the apple which was used in lieu of the usual potatoes must be crunchy.  Curiosity prompted me to experiment with this and here's my version of Curry chicken with Apple and sugarless Soymilk.

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Purple sweet potato chiffon cake

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P urple sweet potato chiffon cake has been on my 'wanted' list for a long, long time.  I adapted the recipe from 'Do what I like' but tweaked it a bit to suit my 23 cm chiffon cake pan.  I was delighted to be rewarded with a pinkish purplish cake with bits of potato cubes that didn't sink to the bottom!
The highly nutritious purple sweet potato is the latest food item to be presented to the general public as a potential superfood.  The colour is the important part as it is this purple colour which is responsible for the amount of anthocyanim in the potato.  Anthocyanim which produces red, blue or purple colours in different types of food can also be found in blueberries, red grapes and red cabbage.  However,  the purple sweet potato has a higher concentration of the chemical than any other species of potatoes.  This is effective for lowering hypertension and is one of the best foods that one can eat to prevent cancer.

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Orange Choc-chip cupcake

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This recipe is slightly different from my previous post of  Orange cupcake.  I added choc-chips to this cupcake and instead of using self-raising flour, I opted for plain flour.  The reward was a soft and delicious cupcake filled with orange and choc-chips flavour.

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