Walnut Tart

Walnut Tart ~ My first attempt at making tarts.  I  googled for an easy crust recipe to make the tart shell and after watching a video from Joyofbaking.com., set out to experiment.  I was overjoyed when the tarts came out well but on scrutinising them further, found that the edges were  thick.  Nonetheless,  the tarts were yum and my family loved it!

See the thick edges .... never mind more crust to munch on!   Will definitely try to improve.

Recipe for Walnut Tart  ( Sweet crust pastry adapted from Joy of Baking.com)

    Ingredients for Sweet Crust Pastry 
    • 210 gm plain flour 
    • 1/8 tsp salt
    • 113 gm butter/margarine
    • 50 gm sugar
    • 1 egg
    • Egg white to seal the crust
    1. Whisk the plain flour and salt, set aside.
    2.  Beat the butter till softened, add in sugar and beat till light and fluffy.
    3. Gradually add in the egg, beating just till incorporated.
    4. Add flour mixture all at once and mix just until it forms a ball of dough.
    5. Flatten dough into a disk, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 20 mins. or till just firm or place in the freezer for about 15 mins.
    6. Lightly grease an 8 to 9 inch (23 cm) tart pan with a removable base.
    7. Once the pastry has chilled sufficiently, evenly pat onto the bottom and up the sides of the tart pan.
    8. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer for about 15 mins.
    9. Lightly prick the bottom of the pastry crust with a fork (this will prevent the dough from puffing up as it bakes).
    10. Place tart pan on a baking sheet and bake crust for 5 mins.in a preheated oven @ 205 deg.C.  Reduce  temperatue to 180 deg.C and continue to bake for about 15 mins, till crust is dry and lightly golden brown.
    11. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool.
    Egg white glaze
    1. Let the crust cool for  3 to 5 mins.  Lightly  brush the bottom and sides of the warm pastry crust with some lightly beaten egg.  (This helps to prevent the filling from softening the crust).
    Ingredients for Filling  
    • 1/2 egg lightly beaten
    • 1.1/2 oz brown sugar
    • a pinch of salt
    • 1 Tbsp melted butter
    • 1 Tbsp golden syrup or honey
    • 60 gm walnuts, coarsely chopped
    • 1 Tbsp Rum or Brandy
    1. Beat the egg, brown sugar, salt till light and ribbony.  Add in melted butter, golden syrup and liquor.
    2. Pour sugar mixture into tart shells, sprinkle on the chopped walnuts.
    3. Bake in a preheated oven @ 180 deg C for about 25 mins. till the filling has puffed but is still wobbly when gently shaken.  Test with a skewer at the sides till it comes out  clean.
    4. Cool for @ least an hour before cutting into wedges.
    5. Serve on its own or with ice cream.
    6. Yield :  Two 4.5 inch  tarts
Note :  Double the recipe of the filling for an 8 to 9 inch tart pan

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