Beetroot Ice Cream

After savouring a spicy meal, time for some  not overly sweet relaxing dessert.  The weather has been crazy these past few weeks, hot and humid which makes one feel sweaty, lethargic and irritable.  So this comfortable dessert is what we need right now to keep our heads and bodies Cool!

Recipe for Beetroot Ice Cream      (adapted from Goodfoodchannel)

    • 200 gm beetroot, peeled
    • 150 ml milk
    • 300 ml whipping cream
    • 1 vanilla pod, split lengthwise, seeds scrapped
    • 50 gm caster sugar
    • 4 egg yolks
    1. Boil beetroot till tender, drain, after cooling slightly, puree in a blender or food processor.  Measure out 75 ml, set aside.
    2. Using a ball whisk, whisk egg yolks with the sugar till smooth, set aside.
    3. Place milk and cream in a saucepan, heat gently, adding in the vanilla seeds.  Once milk starts to foam up, remove from heat.
    4. Gradually, pour this into the egg mixture, whisking continously not to cook the eggs.  Add in the beetroot pureee, mix well.
    5. Pour this back into the saucepan, cook on low heat stirring continuously till thick enough to coat the back of the wooden spoon.  Remove from heat.
    6. Pour this into a large bowl, cover with cling wrap.  Let cool, then refrigerate overnight.
    7. Churn in the ice cream maker according to the instructions of your ice cream maker 

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