Spicy Chicken with Korean sauce

I had a look at the Korean sauces that were sitting idle in the fridge and thought what would be the outcome if I mixed them up.  I had to experiment to find out.  So, I got hold of some chicken leg, debone them, mixed in some sauces and cooked up this dish.  Family members said that they tasted somewhat like satay chicken but nodded in agreement that they were delicious :)

Recipe for Spicy Chicken with Korean sauce


  • 3 chicken leg, deboned       
  • 4 pips of garlic, minced
  • 1  tsp sugar
  • 1/2  tsp salt
  • 1/2  tsp light soya sauce
  • 1/2  Tbsp honey
  • 1  Tbsp  Bulgogi sauce
  • 1.1/2  Tbsp Sunchang Ssamjang (seasoned bean paste)
  • 2.1/2  tsp lightly toasted sesame seeds
  • Sesame oil                                    
  1. Cut each of the deboned chicken leg into 2 pieces.
  2. Mix in the minced garlic, sugar, salt, light soya sauce, honey, Bulgogi and Sunchang Ssamjang sauces.  Marinate for a few hours or overnight, refrigerated.
  3. Heat up a tablespoon oil in a non-stick pan, add in the chicken pieces and set aside the marinade.
  4. Pan-fry the chicken, flipping from side to side, cook till through.
  5. Take out the chicken, leave the marinade in the pan and add in the uncooked marinade.  Mix well and fine tune to taste.
  6. Return the chicken to the pan, mix in the sesame seeds and drizzle on some sesame oil.
  7. Dish out and serve with rice.

I'm linking this post to the Little Thumbs Up 'Soy Bean' event organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of  Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by  Mich of  Piece of Cake.

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