Angel Fish Koong Chai Paeng - 香化 公仔饼 ~ Mooncake Festival 2014

When I was a kid, I'd look forward to the Mid-Autumn Lantern festival, not so much for mooncakes but the little piglets encased in red baskets which were given free with any purchase of mooncakes.  I remember them to be just plain dough with no fillings but I enjoyed them.  I was glad that Joceline shared her recipe in her blog and subsequently many fellow bloggers have tried her recipe.  I only made half her recipe and my mould being quite big but shallow, I managed to get 10 Angel fish koong chai paeng.

Recipe for Angel Fish Koong Chai Paeng  (adapted from 'here')


  • 175 gm plain flour
  • 115 ml golden syrup
  • 50 ml peanut oil
  • 2.1/2 ml alkaline water
  • 75 gm lotus paste
  • 1 egg + 1 tsp water, lightly beaten and strained
  • Some red beans as eyes for the fish
  1. Sift the flour, set aside.
  2. Mix golden syrup, oil, alkaline water and lotus paste with a ball whisk till well combined.
  3. Add in sifted flour, mix to form a dough.
  4. Cover and let it rest for 2 to 3 hrs. till the dough doesn't stick to the hand.  (I rested mine for 4 hours).
  5. Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface, knead lightly.
  6. Divide dough into 60 gm each.  Roll dough into a ball.
  7. Lightly dust the mould with some flour, press the ball of dough into the mould and gently knock it out. Press a red bean as an eye for the fish.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven @160 deg.C for 10 to 12 mins.
  9. Remove from oven and let cool for about 15 mins.
  10. Apply egg wash on the body of the fish except the eye.
  11. Bake for another 15 to 20 mins.
  12. Ligthly apply egg wash on the eye of the fish.
  13. Yield :  10 koong chai paeng.

I'm linking this post to the Little Thumbs Up event and the theme for August is 'Flour'
jointly organised by
and hosted by
Diana of  Domestic Goddess Wannabe

I'm joining Best Recipes for Everyone August 2014 Event Theme :  Mooncake
hosted by  Fion  XuanHom's Mom

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