Rum and Raisin Ice Cream

One of my family's favourite dessert is Rum and Raisin ice cream.  However, this flavour is not always readily available in the stores.  So I had to spend some time surfing the internet to hunt for recipes and after taking some tips from here and there, came out with this recipe which was easy to prepare and most importantly, it yielded good result.

Recipe for Rum and Raisin Ice Cream

  • 3 Tbsp raisins
  • 1/4 cup Rum
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2  tsp vanilla
  •  6 oz. brown sugar
  • 4 egg yolks

  1. Soak the raisins in Rum, overnight.  Strain, set aside the raisins and Rum.
  2. Heat the cream, milk and vanilla on low heat.  Once the milk foams up, remove from heat.
  3. Whisk brown sugar and egg yolks till pale and thick, gradually add in the warm milk, whisking continously.  Pour the mixture back into the saucepan, with a wooden spoon cook over low heat, stirring continuously until the mixture coats the back of the wooden spoon.
  4. Add Rum into the mixture.  Cover with cling wrap, once cool, refrigerate overnight.
  5. Churn the mixture in an ice cream maker for 30 mins. and add in the raisins at the end of churning.

I am submitting this to the Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized

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