Dolphin Watching @ The Speyside Way

'Scotland is one of the best land-based dolphin watching hotspots in the world'.... and so, our way back to Aberdeen, we stopped by at the Scottish Dolphin Centre at Spey Bay on the Speyside Way, with the hope that we'll be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of dolphins.  Other than dolphins, Spey Bay is also a good place to see seals and ospreys and Scotland's wildlife. Updates were given by the Spey Bay information centre  that the dolphins were last seen at around 3 p.m. that day.   We were there at around 5 p.m. and we waited patiently  for about an hour or so before we spotted a shoal of dolphins right in the middle of the sea.
Everyone who had been waiting patiently were excited, some with binoculars, some zooming in with their cameras on tripods set up much earlier.

Look, the sky full of Ospreys, a fish-eating hawk found along the coastlines, marshes, lakes almost world wide. It was fun watching how they fly over the water hunting for prey, hovering and then plunging into the water feet first with a big splash and within seconds up they fly with their catch in their talons.

These pictures were taken by my girl with her Panasonic Lumix camera ........ she was so excited when she captured the images. I wouldn't be fast enough to do this :) Good job!

Gift Shop @ the Scottish Dolphin Centre

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