Thai Green Curry

I do like Thai food but sometimes find the dishes too 'lemak' or heavy for my tummy, especially their curries.  However, Thai Green Curry has always been on my menu list whenever I patronise Thai food joints.  I cooked this curry with  Delimas Thai Green Curry Sauce and as you can see from the pictures, the curry is not 'lemak'/thick as I didn't follow fully the instructions on the packet but added more water to suit my taste buds.  Also added some palm sugar to enhance the taste.

Recipe for Thai Green Curry

    • 400 gm chicken fillet and thigh, cut into chunks and seasoned with some seasalt
    • 100 gm capsicum
    • 100 gm long beans, cut into 2 inch lengths
    • 150 gm egg plant, cubed
    • 1 pkt Delimas Thai green curry sauce (180 gm/6 oz)
    • 2 to 3 bird's eye chillies, sliced
    • 1 red chilli
    • 4 kaffir leaves
    • 1 tsp palm or brown sugar (optional)
    • 1.14 cup water
    • Some fresh Thai Basil leaves to garnish
    1.  In a wok, heat up 1.1/2 Tbsp oil and pan-fry the seasoned chicken fillet.  Add in 1/2 cup water and simmer till the chicken is cooked through.
    2. Add in the egg plant, followed by the Thai green curry paste and kaffir leaves, continue stirring.
    3. Add in the long beans, capsicum, sliced chillies and water, continue stirring.  Fine tune to taste.
    4. Dish out and garnish with Basil leaves.
    5. Serve hot with rice.

    I am submitting this post to  Asian Food Fest  (Thailand) - November Month 
    hosted by  Lena of  Frozen Wings

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