Red Bean Ice Cream

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Red Bean Ice Cream ... another cooling dessert much sought after in my household during this hot, hazy and humid weather.  I was very happy when it 'rained' yesterday but it was short-lived.  The rain wasn't enough even to wet the grass in my garden and I was so disappointed.  So far, there's no water rationing here in Ipoh but I'm sure that all of us will welcome any rain in the near future.

Recipe for Red Bean Ice Cream


    • 150 gm red bean paste
    • 150 ml milk
    • 300ml whipping cream
    • 50 gm caster sugar
    • 4 egg yolks
    • a pinch of salt
    1. To make the red bean paste, just boil some red beans with some sugar, once the beans are soft, smash them till fine.
    2. Place milk and cream  in a saucepan, heat gently, once milk starts to foam up a bit, remove from heat.
    3. Using a ball whisk, whisk egg yolks with sugar till  smooth.
    4. Gradually pour the cream mixture into the egg mixture, whisking continuously not to cook the eggs.  Add in 75 gm  smashed red bean paste, mix well.
    5. Pour this back into the saucepan, bring to the boil, add salt, keep stirring till the mixture can coat the back of a wooden spoon.
    6. Pour this into a large bowl, cover with cling wrap.  Let cool, refrigerate overnight.
    7. Churn the mixture in your ice cream maker according to the instructions.  Add in the remaining 75 gm red bean paste just at the end of churning.

Meat Floss Ring (Tangzhong method)

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Looks like I'm addicted to meat floss again.  I just had to finish off the meat floss which was a gift during the recent festive season and what more to make other than bread and more bread!  I'm using the Tangzhong method again but this time I used all high protein flour instead of high protein and plain flour.  Linking this post to 'International Yeasted Recipes' hosted by Kristy of  My Little Space.

Recipe for Meat Floss Ring  (adapted from 'here')

Ingredients for Tangzhong
  • 25 gm high protein flour
  • 125 ml water
For the method for making Tangzhong, please check 'here'

    Ingredients for Dough

    • 350 gm high protein flour
    • 55 gm caster sugar
    • 1 Tb + 1 tsp milk powder
    • 1 egg
    • 5 to 6 gm instant dried yeast (1 tsp + 1/5 tsp)
    • 120 gm Tangzhong
    • 125 ml water
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 30 gm butter, cut into small pieces
    • Egg wash and Pumpkin kernels
    Ingredients  for the Filling
    • Meat Floss + some lightly  toasted black sesame seeds.
    Method for Dough
    1. Put the ingredients into the pan of your breadmaker according to the instructions in the manual.  Select 'Dough Cycle' and let the machine do the kneading and proving for you.  My breadmaker takes 1.30 hrs.
    2. To test the dough, just insert your finger into the dough and if the indentation stays, then the dough is ready for shaping.
    3. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured board, give it a knock to expel any air and knead lightly.  Do the windowpane test and if it's ok, then divide the dough into 7 equal portions, about 100 gm each.  Shape into balls and cover with a clingwrap or a piece of damp cloth and let rest for 15 to 20 mins.
    4. Roll out a ball of dough into an oval shape, apply some vegetable oil or melted butter, then sprinkle on  the meat floss and black sesame seeds.  Roll up once, tuck in the sides and roll up like a swiss roll. (Cover the rest of the dough to prevent them from getting dry).   Repeat the same process with the rest of the balls of dough.   Place the balls of dough into a greased pan, sealed sides face down.  Cover and let prove again for another hour or so in a warm place.
    5. Apply egg wash and sprinkle on some Pumpkin kernels.
    6. Bake in a preheated oven @ 180 deg. C  for 20 to 25 mins. or till golden brown.
    7. Leave the bread in the pan for about 20 mins. to cool before removing and letting it cool completely on a wire rack.

Braised Chicken with Woodear Fungus

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I seem to have developed a fond liking for woodear fungus and here's another dish that I cooked recently.  A simple, quick and easy dish with chicken.  I just made a soup and some salad and dinner is ready!

Recipe for Braised Chicken with Woodear Fungus

  • 600 gm chicken, cut into bite size
  • 10 gm dried woodear fungus, soaked, stemmed and cut into strips
  • 3 pips of garlic, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp light soya sauce
  • 1 tsp dark soya sauce
  • 2 tsp Shiaoxing wine
  1. Marinate the chicken pieces for half an hour with the above sauces and sugar.
  2. Heat up a wok with some oil, throw in the chopped garlic, stir-fry till fragrant.
  3. Stir-fry the marinated chicken pieces for a while, then add in the woodear strips.
  4. Add in 1 cup water, once it boils, cover the wok and let it simmer on medium fire till chicken is cooked through.
  5. Fine tune to desired taste, add in the wine, turn off heat, dish out.
  6. Serve immediately with rice.

Chicken Floss Rolls (Tangzhong method)

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I made it and so glad that I've finally made it!   Yes, I've been able to make my bread using the Tangzhong method and credit should go to my breadmaker for helping me knead the wet and sticky dough till it doesn't stick to my hands and I can handle and mould to whatever shape that I fancy.  I had tried to knead the dough by hand using this method but it was too messy and sticky to hanlde and I had to keep on adding more bread flour to make it manageable.  I finally gave up and that was quite some time back.  But now since I can rely on my breadmaker to do the most difficult part of kneading the dough, I can continue to experiment with more shapes and flavour for my bread :)

This bread is indeed very soft and light just like those sold in the bakeries!

Recipe for Chicken Floss Roll (adapted from 'here')

Ingredients for Tangzhong

  • 25 gm high protein flour
  • 125 ml water
Ingredients for Dough
  • 210 gm high protein flour
  • 56 gm plain flour
  • 20 gm milk powder
  • 42 gm caster sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 6 gm yeast (1 tsp + 1.5 tsp)
  • 1/2 an egg, lightly beaten
  • 85 gm water
  • 84 gm tangzhong
  • 22 gm butter cut into pieces
  • Black sesame seeds + sunflower seeds (optional)
  • Egg wash
  • Chicken floss + oil or melted butter
Method  for Tangzhong
  1. Mix the flour with the water till free of lumps.  Cook on low heat, keep stirring till you can see the base of the pan and swirl lines after stirring.  Cover with cling wrap making sure that the cling wrap touches the tangzhong to prevent a dry layer from forming.  Cool in room temperature before chilling.
  2. Can keep refrigerated for 1 to 2 days.  Discard if the tangzhong has turned greyish in colour.
Method for Dough
  1. Put the ingredients into the pan of your breadmaker, adding the tangzhong together with the liquid ingredients, according to the instructions of your breadmaker.  Press the 'Dough Cycle'.  My breadmaker takes 1 hr. 30 mins. with kneading and the 1st proving.
  2. Put your finger into the dough and if the indentation remains, then the dough is ready for shaping.
  3. Knock out some air from the dough, knead a while and do the Windowpane or Membrane test by taking a bit of dough and stretching it out with your fingers till very thin and transparent and it doesn't break.  If it breaks then the dough has not been kneaded enough and you'll need it again for a few more mins.
  4. Divide the dough into 4 portions, roll into balls, cover with a damp cloth and let rest for 15 mins.
  5. Roll out a ball of dough to an oval shape, apply some oil or melted butter and sprinkle on some chicken floss.  Roll up like a swiss roll.  Repeat with the remaining balls of dough which have been covered with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying up.
  6. Place the dough into a greased loaf pan, cover with a damp cloth, put in a warm place and let prove again for about an hour or till double in size.
  7. Apply egg wash and sprinkle on some black sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven @ 170 deg.C for 20 to 25 mins. till golden brown.  Let cool in pan before removing the bread onto a wire rack to cool completely.

I'm submitting this post to  'Yeastspotting' 
to  'Internationl Yeasted Recipe' organised by Kristy of  'My Little Space'

Ginseng Steamed Fish

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This is a quickie dish to whip up if you're short of time.  I've never tried steaming fish with Ginseng and I added a bottle of Chicken essence as well.   Yes, it's ultra delicious especially the nutritious sauce..... definitely need more hot rice to mop it up.... Yum!

Ginseng Steamed Fish


  • 250 gm Garoupa fish fillet
  • 1 bottle of Essence of Chicken
  • 1 tsp wolfberries
  • 2 slices Ginseng
  • 2 tsp Shaoxing wine
  • Seasalt to taste
  1. Season the fish fillet with some seasalt, set aside.
  2. Steam the essence of chicken with the Ginseng slices for 10 mins.  Add in the wolfberries.  Set aside.
  3. Steam the fish fillet for 6 mins.under rapidly boiling water.
  4. Remove and pour in the Ginseng mixture.  Drizzle on the wine.
  5. Serve immediately with hot rice.

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Spare Ribs with Preserved Beancurd Paste

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This was one of the dishes that I prepared during the recent Chinese New Year holidays.  These spare ribs were made with a marinade, cooked in a wok and finally grilled to add a bit of 'crunch', easy and fuss-free.  Drizzle on the sauce and they're ready to be served.  Meaty and tender, best eaten with fingers!

Recipe for Spare Ribs with Preserved Beancurd Paste aka 'Nam Yue Pai Kuat'

    • 700 gm spare ribs, cut to 3 inch lengths
    • 10 gm ginger, pressed
    • 8 pips of garlic, pressed
    • 3 pcs of  Beacurd paste (Nam Yue)
    • Sugar
    • Cornflour mixture + sesame oil + Shiaoxing wine for the sauce
    1. Marinate the pork ribs with the ginger, garlic, nam yue and sugar, preferably overnight.
    2. Put  the ribs in a wok, add water to just cover the ribs, cook on medium heat, cover, simmer on low heat till ribs are tender and sauce reduced.
    3. Fine tune to taste.
    4. Take out the ribs, grill for 2 to 3 mins on each side.
    5. Arrange the ribs on a plate.
    6. Thicken the sauce in the pan with cornflour mixture, turn off heat, add the sesame oil and wine.
    7. Pour the sauce over the ribs.
    8. Serve with some salad on the side.

Black Glutinous Rice Angku Kuih

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These Black glutinous rice Angku Kuih was made quite some time ago but I had to put the post on hold as I was pre-occupied with the posts for  Chinese New Year Cookies.   The dough was prepared a day before and kept refrigerated till ready for use.  These angku kuih was soft and chewy and I must thank  Happy Flour  for sharing this recipe.

Recipe for Black Glutinous Rice Angku Kuih

    Ingredients  (Dough)
  • 130 gm glutinous rice flour
  • 50 gm sweet potatoes, peeled, steamed, mashed
  • 20 gm black glutinous rice flour
  • 125 ml water (to add sparingly)
  • 1/2 Tbsp oil
  • 150 gm split mung beans
  • 80 gm - 100 gm   sugar
  • 1.1/2 Tbsp oil
Method  (Filling)
  1. Soak the beans overnight, steam for 35 to 40 mins. or till soft.
  2. While hot, blend the beans with 1 cup of water.
  3. Heat up oil in a pan and fry the bean paste with sugar till it forms into a paste, leave to cool.
Method  (Dough)
  1. Mix all the ingredients together, knead to form a soft dough, adding in water sparingly.
  2. Wrap wiht clign wrap and rest in the fridge for 1 to 2 days.  (This is to allow the flour to absorb the liquid).
  3. Let dough rest in room temperature, knead before use.  (If dough is dry, add water, if dough is wet, add some glutinous rice flour).
  4. Dust the mould with some rice flour.
  5. Pinch some dough to form a ball, flatten, put in the filling, wrap up into a ball and place the ball of dough into the mould.  Press it in a  bit and knock out the kuih.   Place the kuih onto a greased banana leaf.
  6. Steam  under medium heat,  small kuih for 3 mins. while the big ones take 6 mins.
  7. Remove the kuih and immediately brush on some oil.
  8. Let cool, serve.
Note :  Small kuih - 15 gm dough/15 gm filling.  Big kuih - 50 gm dough/50 gm filling.

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