Meat Floss Ring (Tangzhong method)

Looks like I'm addicted to meat floss again.  I just had to finish off the meat floss which was a gift during the recent festive season and what more to make other than bread and more bread!  I'm using the Tangzhong method again but this time I used all high protein flour instead of high protein and plain flour.  Linking this post to 'International Yeasted Recipes' hosted by Kristy of  My Little Space.

Recipe for Meat Floss Ring  (adapted from 'here')

Ingredients for Tangzhong
  • 25 gm high protein flour
  • 125 ml water
For the method for making Tangzhong, please check 'here'

    Ingredients for Dough

    • 350 gm high protein flour
    • 55 gm caster sugar
    • 1 Tb + 1 tsp milk powder
    • 1 egg
    • 5 to 6 gm instant dried yeast (1 tsp + 1/5 tsp)
    • 120 gm Tangzhong
    • 125 ml water
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 30 gm butter, cut into small pieces
    • Egg wash and Pumpkin kernels
    Ingredients  for the Filling
    • Meat Floss + some lightly  toasted black sesame seeds.
    Method for Dough
    1. Put the ingredients into the pan of your breadmaker according to the instructions in the manual.  Select 'Dough Cycle' and let the machine do the kneading and proving for you.  My breadmaker takes 1.30 hrs.
    2. To test the dough, just insert your finger into the dough and if the indentation stays, then the dough is ready for shaping.
    3. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured board, give it a knock to expel any air and knead lightly.  Do the windowpane test and if it's ok, then divide the dough into 7 equal portions, about 100 gm each.  Shape into balls and cover with a clingwrap or a piece of damp cloth and let rest for 15 to 20 mins.
    4. Roll out a ball of dough into an oval shape, apply some vegetable oil or melted butter, then sprinkle on  the meat floss and black sesame seeds.  Roll up once, tuck in the sides and roll up like a swiss roll. (Cover the rest of the dough to prevent them from getting dry).   Repeat the same process with the rest of the balls of dough.   Place the balls of dough into a greased pan, sealed sides face down.  Cover and let prove again for another hour or so in a warm place.
    5. Apply egg wash and sprinkle on some Pumpkin kernels.
    6. Bake in a preheated oven @ 180 deg. C  for 20 to 25 mins. or till golden brown.
    7. Leave the bread in the pan for about 20 mins. to cool before removing and letting it cool completely on a wire rack.

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