German Butter Cookies CNY 2015

These cookies certainly do not need much introduction as they have been circulating among food blogs for quite some time, more so at this time of the year.   I've bookmarked this since last year and only had the time to make them now.  I made some plain ones as well as marbled ones. There are other flavours as well but for the time being, I can only make do with these.  Also this will be my last post before I take a break to celebrate the Lunar Chinese New Year with my family, relatives and friends.

Recipe for German Butter Cookies   德式酥饼    (adapted from 'here' with slight modification)


  • 250 gm butter
  • 80 gm icing sugar (sifted)
  • 250 gm potato starch flour
  • 130 gm plain flour
  • 1.1/2 tsp Valrhona cocoa powder (sifted)
  1. Sift potato starch flour and plain flour, set aside.
  2. Beat butter and icing sugar till fluffy.
  3. Fold in the sifted flours, mix well.
  4. Let dough rest for 15 mins.
  5. Take 1/4 portion of dough and mix with the cocoa powder.
  6. For the plain ones, just pinch some dough, roll into a ball and place on a parchment lined baking tray.
  7. For the marbled ones, take a pinch of cocoa dough and some plain dough, roll into a ball and palce on the baking tray.
  8. Slightly press with a fork, dip fork in water after each press or two to prevent dough from sticking onto the fork.
  9. Bake in 150 to 170 deg.C for about 15 to 20 mins.  No need to bake till brown.
  10. Let cookies cool on a wire rack before transferring them into an airtight cookie jar.
  11. Yield :  108 cookies, depending on size.

Wishing all my readers and friends, a
 Very Prosperous, Healthy, Wealthy and Successful Year of the Ram and may your days be filled with much joy, peace and laughter

  I'm linking this post to Best Recipes for Everyone Jan. & Feb.2015 Event:  Theme
My Homemade Cookies by Fion of  XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by
Victoria of  Baking Into The Ether
also to
'My Treasured Recipes #5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/Feb 2015)' hosted by
Miss B of  Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and co-hosted by
Charmaine of  Mimi Bakery House

and to

Cook and Celebrate : CNY 2015, Yen from Eat your Heart Out,
Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from  Bake for Happy Kids

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