Curry Kapitan ~ 'Malaysian Monday no. 3'

Malaysians are spoilt for choice where pre-packed cooking sauces and spice mix are concerned.  Without doubt, these are most welcome by busy housewives and working people on the go as they don't have much time to prepare authentic dishes from scratch.  There's a wide variety of these sauces which you can experiment with and tweak to your liking.  Brahim's, Adabi, Singlong, Claypot, Maggi, Seri Murni, A1, just to name a few.  Other than rice, premix sauces also go well with bread, pita bread and roti pratha.  Then there's Maggi and Seriaji seasonings for stir-fry vegetables, rice, vermicelli or noodles and Claypot mix for chicken herbal soups as well.

I was ogling at the shelf in the supermarket one day, contemplating and this Seri Murni - 'Kari Kapitan' caught my eye.  I picked up a packet, read the ingredients and instructions, checked the expiry date and came home with it.

Yes, I cooked this curry to go with my Naan bread with simple add-ons like shallots, garlic, lemon grass and substituted coconut milk with soymilk and the finished product  ..........  tasty and yummy!
Read on for the Recipe

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