Ginkgo nut porridge ~ congee

The weather here in Ipoh has gone crazy!  It's super hot these days and so humid.  You don't need to pay to have a sauna bath for you're getting it free everyday literally sweating in your home with all the fans on full blast.  Yes, what about having the air-conditioner on full day.  Good thinking but watch it, our national electricity supplier is going to raise their rates with effect from July, good timing for them! 
I cooked this porridge to combat the weather and to cool our system ..... Ginkgo nut and beancurd porridge.
Ginkgo is mainly used as a memory and concentration enhancer, helps to reverse memory loss!  Also supposed to relieve hangovers, coughs and asthma and although is has a high starch content, it's low in fat.  As for nutrients, they are are excellent source of phosphorous, potassium, copper, thiamin and niacin.

Read on for the Recipe

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