Steam Fish with Essence of Chicken

Ginger, young and old be it  sliced, julienned or chopped  is a common ingredient in Chinese cooking.  I used fresh young ginger in this quick and easy dish of mine, simply put, it's Steam Fish with Essence of Chicken.  Ginger pairs well with fish and other seafood as it helps to neutralise the excessively strong fishy flavours and also it adds aroma to the dish.

Recipe for Steam Fish with Essence of Chicken


  • 220 gm Garoupa  fillet
  • 1 bottle of Chicken Essence
  • 1 small knob of young ginger, finely chopped
  • 2  tsp fish sauce
  • 1/4  tsp sugar
  • 2  tsp garlic oil
  • A red chilli and spring onion to garnish
  • A bit of seasalt to season
  • Dash of pepper
  1. Wash and pat dry the fish fillet, place on a plate, and season with a bit of seasalt and a dash of pepper.
  2. Combine the chicken essence, fish sauce, sugar and chopped ginger.
  3. Drizzle the sauce onto the fish fillet.
  4. Steam on high heat for 5 mins.
  5. Drizzle on some garlic oil and garnish with spring onions and red chilli.
  6. Serve immediately.

Linking this post to  Little Thumbs Up event  organised by  Zoe of  Bake for Happy Kids  and
Doreen of   my little favourite DIY   and hosted by  Alvin of Chef and Sommelier

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